Sunday, September 21, 2014

Loaded Kanthaka review

  The Loaded Kanthaka is great for those trying to transition from short boarding since it's basically just an oversized skate deck. BASICALLY, but really, it's so much more than that. While it does hold true to skating's shorter roots don't let that fool when you feel how much better pushing on 65mm wheels is compared to the 50mm of a regular board.

  Wheels however, aren't the only thing that make this board amazing, Loaded's concave game has been coming in heavy with their past couple of new additions and they're really starting to nail it on the head, this board is virtually flat in the middle but gently curves up towards the end for easier ollies and more intentional flips. The symmetrical shape and perfect amount of longitudinal flex makes this board more complex and easy riding than just any skateboard,

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