Sunday, September 21, 2014

Loaded Tan Tien

How could anyone forget about this Loaded classic that made such a great attempt at being that all in one board and being such a huge success. While Loaded is known for the dervish as well the Tan Tien is what I feel made them really popular. The fact that these have been out since Loaded started and are still production is almost enough alone for anyone to get their hands on one.

  This ultra responsive carver/light freerider/freestyle/cruiser has such much versatility it's unreal. Anything you want a board to do this board can do it, at least to an extent. While I wouldn't recommend this for any kind of hardcore downhill riding there's nothing quite like throwing your hands down with some gloves and popping this bad boy out, there's nothing quite like snapping into and out of a slide on a board with such a refined cambered concave such as the Loaded Tan Tien, not to mention the fun you can have on flatland alone with kicktails large enough to bust our manuals, spins, or even catch some metal underneath your trucks.

Loaded Chubby Unicorn review

 My goodness, I don't even know where to start with this one, the name alone is enough to fill my head with feelings of handing over my money. Loaded has really outdone themselves with this one and whereas I unfortunately haven't been able to ride it extensively yet, I can tell it's going to be the next board in my quiver.

  The Loaded Chubby Unicorn is more than just some cellulite sporting mythical beast munching on rainbows. It's recessed truck mounting cancels out the rockered concave to reduce unintentional wedging which can make your board feel "dead" when turning. Also they've tried a lot of new things with polyurethane rails and underside coat to dampen road vibrations and help the board resist cracking and harsh weather conditions. Chubby boards need love too, and Loaded gave it the perfect amount.

Loaded Overland

 The Loaded Overland takes everything from the Tesseract and the Kanthaka to find a happy medium between the two. It's right between a mean freeride machine and shorter more technical double kick. However, that's not to say it does anything less than these other two boards but in fact is perfectly capable of either end of the spectrum is great for the undecided rider.

  The Overland comes together with a vibration dampening underside and very slightly tapered wheel flares to keep your wheels and board from making out and you making out with the ground. Another great function of keeping these toned down is it's not uncomfortable to put your foot over these instead of completely neglecting your feet from 8 inches of deck space Loaded made it all completely foot worthy.

Loaded Kanthaka review

  The Loaded Kanthaka is great for those trying to transition from short boarding since it's basically just an oversized skate deck. BASICALLY, but really, it's so much more than that. While it does hold true to skating's shorter roots don't let that fool when you feel how much better pushing on 65mm wheels is compared to the 50mm of a regular board.

  Wheels however, aren't the only thing that make this board amazing, Loaded's concave game has been coming in heavy with their past couple of new additions and they're really starting to nail it on the head, this board is virtually flat in the middle but gently curves up towards the end for easier ollies and more intentional flips. The symmetrical shape and perfect amount of longitudinal flex makes this board more complex and easy riding than just any skateboard,

Loaded Truncated Tesseract

  The no kick-tailed version of the Tesseract is a race inspired design with nothing but pure speed in mind. Unfortunately it won't function very well outside of thrashing hills, but on the bright side, not many shine on hills like the Loaded Truncated Tesseract does.

  With high wheel flares to prevent wheelbite and embarrassment when sliding next to that car you're showing for, and a high and wide 'W' concave to keep you locked into place when shedding speed, there's nothing more you could ask for in a board that could have replaced the car in back to future, Looking for a replacement for your old worn out downhill board or it's your first time feeling the wind against your chops the Truncated Tesseract brings the heat.

Loaded Cantellated Tesseract

  The Loaded Cantellated Tesseract is the single tailed version of the Tesseract boards. This essentially makes the best use of effective foot space while still adding in a kicktail for versatility. The best thing about having one being popping onto and off of curbs, turning tighter than usual, or snagging up some style points cracking it against the ground to catch it mid air.

I think the Cantellated is my favorite version since it makes the most of what it has to offer. It's easy to ride town and since you have a couple extra inches on the wheelbase you don't have to worry about sketchily wobbling your ways down hills and can use those few extra inches to get comfortable in your stance before blazing at peak speeds toward your destination.

Loaded Tesseract review

 The Loaded Tesseract was built with  double, single, and no tail variants so there's one's that's bound to tickle your fancy. While I'm not a huge fan of W concave myself a lot of people love it for how well it locks you in when in your stance and can make the difference between holding that front side slide or eating pavement.

  For this board and almost all Loaded boards I highly recommend using Orangatang wheels on this setup, fat frees or stimulus pair best but you can even go as high as Durians with risers. I personally recommend this board with Caliber trucks but Bears and Randalls also pair up nicely. And last but not least BON abec 7's will be more than sufficient to help you tear up the hills whenever you desire.

Loaded Poke

  The Loaded Poke is basically just the Fat Tails little brother but nonetheless rides TOTALLY different and a bit closer to a normal trick board minus the symmetry and harsh stiffness. The Poke is great for smaller riders or people that need something extra portable for their everyday commute.

  These boards sell like hot cakes out here in Chico, California simply due to the fact that people can pop them up right into their hands and throw them onto the straps of their backpack with ease and zero worry about turning to quick and smacking a passer-by. Whether you're looking to cruise down the streets or slash a local embankment the Poke will continue to impress,

Loaded Fat Tail

  The Loaded Fat Tail ain't nothing to play with, said no one ever. The Fat Tail is nothing short of 38" of sheer entertainment. While it's not really much for the hills carving and cruising has never been more exciting. Packing a functional kicktail and an ultra responsive cambered concave there's not much more you could ask for in a cruiser.

 A lot of people don't think much about it, but he Fat Tail also has an optional truck mounting for those wanting an even more nimble and sharp turning board. Unlike a lot of cruisers and carvers they can tend to be a little heavy and hard to carry around all day but the Fat tails fiberglass sandwiched bamboo veneers not only make it light and have an amazingly small profile but stays incredibly durable.

Loaded Bhangra Review

  The Loaded Bhangra while it's a little pricier than most boards and that alone turning a lot of people away it's one of those few boards on the market that does what it's expected and then some.. The Bhangra is designed to have plenty of foot space and a sports a huge wheelbase so no matter how big and clumsy you are and makes dancing an absolute breeze.

  Along with just dancing it's an awesome cruiser, I own the flex 2 and the cork core makes an awesome shock absorber. Also, when you're just out and rolling about you best know there's going to a time when you want to bust out some manuals or bigspins, and the Bhangra's ample sized kicktails were thrown on for just that. The Bhangra has a little something for everyone and despite it's hulking size it's the most fun board I've ridden to date and wouldn't trade mine for anything.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Loaded Vanguard

  The Loaded Vanguard is one of the first Loaded longboards to drop and it's still a popular choice for people looking to cruise around town with something light and nimble that can even take some light hills with it's stiffest flex. The fact that they're still around since 09 says a lot for these these bamboo wonders.

  While they may not be the best for hills it can turn the flatland into a playground and make getting around town a blast and a half. The Responsiveness of the cambered bamboo makes snapping into and out of carves like throwing quarters into your favorite machine at a Chuck E. Cheese. All in all if you're looking for the perfect gift for a college student to save them some dough on petrol or some fun alternative transportation for yourself the Vanguard is an amazing arrow to add to your quiver.


Loaded Dervish Sama Review

  The Loaded Dervish Sama is a board that really started changing the carving game. Everything you could want from a carver/cruiser (I even dance on mine) the Sama delivers right to the soles of your feet. From the Snappy camber to the light and durable bamboo/fiberglass combination, there's at least one thing you're going to love no doubt about it. 

  Loaded has moved a long ways from their oak cored predecessors  and the Dervish Sama shows just how much progression they've made. The Flex settings on the Sama are some of the most noticeable of any of the Loaded Boards before it, the first setting being recommend regardless of weight due to the fact that the bamboo starts to give after some heavy use. Long story short the Sama is a board you want in your arsenal, no questions asked.